Sunday 14 August 2011

Death Race 2 Review

Name: Death Race 2
Type: Movie
Rate: 7/10
Review: An action-packed movie, a prequel for Death Race, about a young criminal who gets put in jail for running from the police. Luke Coss plays Carl 'Luke' Lucas. As Lucas is put in jail he runs into a wicked ex. beauty pagent queen who lives for television ratings. Setting a live television show, letting the convicts fight against each other, either someone submits or dies to win. When the shows ratings begin  to plummet she needs a new way to gain watchers. Soon someone comes up with the idea to let the criminals race against each other in battle cars; cars will bullet proof windows and death traps like machine turrets and rocket launchers. If you like action movies I recommend it. The movie contains sexuality, nudity, harsh language, killing, and other mature subject matter. Rated R.

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